
ToprintthechartasPDF,clickthePublishtab,andtheninthePrintgroup,clickthearrowbelowPrinttoPDF.Inthemenu,clickPrinttoPDF.,I2(s)為非極性分子,易溶於非極性的溶劑正己烷,萃取I2(s).後顯現紫色。原水層為可溶於水的I3.-.(aq)(棕色),因I2(s)被萃取至正己.烷層,使I3.-.(aq)濃度下降, ...,i2®Analyst'sNotebook®isanadvancedvisualanalysissoftwaretooldesignedtosupportanalystsintheirinvestigationstocombatcriminalac...

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I2(s)為非極性分子,易溶於非極性的溶劑正己烷,萃取I2(s). 後顯現紫色。 原水層為可溶於水的I3. -. (aq)(棕色),因I2(s) 被萃取至正己. 烷層,使I3. -. (aq)濃度下降, ...


i2® Analyst's Notebook® is an advanced visual analysis software tool designed to support analysts in their investigations to combat criminal activities.

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犯罪網絡與情報分析的新利器i2 Analyst's Notebook

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